Clap Hanz Limited



Effects Designer

Ideal Applicant

・Has a sense of responsibility
・Holds an honest and positive mindset and takes action
・Understands the importance of communication
・Takes interest in new technology and tackling challenges
Responsibilities ・Creating in-game effects using Maya, Photoshop, and Unity
 - This includes creating realistic effects such as flames, as well as imaginative fictional effects.
 Effects designers do not only work on producing effects. In most cases, they also handle other tasks [modeling, motion, etc.].
Minimum Qualifications ・Experience creating effects
・Proficiency with simple modeling in Maya and other CG tools
・Proficiency with creating effect textures in Photoshop, After Effects, etc.
Desired Qualifications ・Experience creating natural effects (water, dust clouds, drifting objects, etc.)

* This position may be combined with other positions.
Location 1-11-15 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
(5 min. walk from Yokohama Station, West Exit) MAP
Employment Type Permanent Employee
(Contract and part-time positions are also occasionally available.)
Hours 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM (includes 1-hour break)
Break: 1 PM to 2 PM
Overtime: Yes


  • Salary based on relevant experience, skills, etc.
    Paid in equal installments each month, not including a bonus.
  • Incentive bonus (based on sales of developed title and amount of contribution)
  • Overtime (45 hours) pay is included in the salary amount
    If the amount of overtime for the month exceeds this (including past overtime allowance
    hours that weren't used), you will be paid for the extra hours separately.
    Example: If your salary is 4,200,000 yen, you will be paid 260,612 yen (base amount) + 89,388 yen (overtime allowance) = 350,000 yen per month.

New Graduate

  • Salary of 3,120,000 yen (standard amount)
    Paid in equal installments each month, not including a bonus.
  • Incentive bonus (based on sales of developed title and amount of contribution)
  • Overtime (45 hours) pay is included in the salary amount
    If the amount of overtime for the month exceeds this (including past overtime allowance
    hours that weren't used), you will be paid for the extra hours separately.
    Example: You will be paid 193,598 yen (base amount) + 66,402 yen (overtime allowance) = 260,000 yen per month.
Allowances Commuting allowance
Holidays Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays
Paid leave, summer holidays, year-end/new year holidays, special occasion leave, etc.
(Leave may either be paid or unpaid, depending on the type.
After introducing a buyback system for unused and expired leave, our leave usage rate reached 100%.)
Benefits Health/employment/worker's compensation/pension insurance
Incentive (Monthly MVP)
Use of health and wellness facilities
Golf club set rental
その他 Trial period: 3 months (up to 6 months; salary remains the same)
Full-time assistant positions also receive health insurance
Engagement in various technical seminars (w/ feedback from participants)

Application Details

To apply, please send us the required documents and work samples listed under the relevant position.


  1. An interview will be offered if your documents pass our screening process.
  2. Your application will be kept confidential.
  3. Please contact us if you have any concerns about job start dates.
  4. Ensure that all work samples, source codes, proposals, etc. taken from previous game development projects do not infringe upon confidentiality agreements.
Our company works with more international companies each year.
Please indicate any practical experience you have using English, on your resume or CV.

Notes on applying.

  • Work samples submitted during the application process are not returned by default.
    Please contact us if you would like your work returned to you.
  • For those traveling from outside of the Greater Tokyo Area, we will reimburse transportation costs incurred during the final interview.
    Please bring a receipt or other item indicating the travel costs.
  • Personal information collected during the application process will not be used for purposes other than hiring.
    Your data will be handled appropriately and with the utmost care.
  • In applying, you acknowledge that any unannounced products, plans, designs, ideas, etc. (hereafter "products") in development, creation, or under consideration by our company may unintentionally resemble your submitted work samples and that should our company's products fully or partially resemble your work, our company is in no way responsible for your reimbursement, monetary or otherwise.

Please send documents to:

Yokohama ST Building (7th floor), 1-11-15 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Clap Hanz, Ltd. Recruiter
Application Requirements ▶Documents required.
・Resume (w/ photo attached)
・Reason for application
 Please include the following for any game titles you've worked on (optional):
  Title and time period of project
  Number of people
・Brief statement on your strengths (any format)
・CG work samples (images, videos, etc.)
 * Be sure to specify the time required for creation.
  Digital: Please provide a format that can be viewed easily in Windows.
  Physical: A3 or A4 size [11.7" x 16.5" or 8.3" x 11.7"]
  If you are a new graduate, please submit any CG creations you have.

Please submit the above by mail or via a file sharing service.
We will contact you if your documents pass the screening process.

* We also accept applications from new graduates for assistant positions throughout the year.
